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Picture of (10 units) Super Sorbant Mat 30x38 caseUPC CASE853592003290

(10 units) Super Sorbant Mat 30x38 caseUPC CASE853592003290

(10 units) Super Sorbant Mat 30x38 caseUPC CASE853592003290


Our U.S. patented Oilinator® Super Sorbent Mat is simply incredible! For use indoors AND outdoors. Each Fast Acting, High Capacity 30″ x 38″ mat immediately absorbs up to 7 gallons and more of oil and other petroleum-related substances on land and water. Totally waterproof, it also floats even when fully saturated with oil. Grommets allow for easy linking to multiple mats, allowing easy configuration of various shapes to surround a land or water-based spill.  Great for land and marine use, and in windy conditions!
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